Stop bleeding. Stop the
curse of the stop loss.
you been puzzled on what is a good stop loss level?
Ever been bitten by a stop loss that just triggered before
the stock soared to the levels you expected initially, leaving
you high & dry, and counting your losses?
Retain your profits.
Use trailing stop loss.
out how you can save your profits from getting wiped out by
putting what is popularly known as a “trailing stop
loss order”
Also how to effectively use trailing stop losses and make
even more money out of the market volatility.
Compound your
trading profits
create a snowball effect on your profits from the stock markets.
out how a small habit of not withdrawing your profits very
frequently and reinvesting those profits in the stock market
will bring you much bigger profits.
Revised market timings
and mechanism
market timings from 18 Oct 10. 9 am to 9.08 am Pre-open session
(only order accumulation, no execution) 9.08 to 9.12 (Only
order execution at discovered price, all unmatched orders
will be shifted to normal session) 9.12 to 9.15 (transition
to normal session) 9.15 to 3.30 normal session.