179 out of 202 calls for REFEX proved profitable, with an average profit of 6% within 3 trading days.
The following are the details of the last 30 calls given by us for Refex Industries Limited (REFEX).
Please note that few or all of these calls may not appear in the daily pre-market calls published on the website. Pre-market calls are published on the website only
if the scrip closes above Rs. 100/-. However, all pre-market calls are available to our registered subscribers in their mail box. To register, please use
the Contact Us link.
1) We gave a BUY call for REFEX on
Sep, 2024.
The scrip opened at 384.7 and rose to 419.25
within next 3 trading days, giving an opportunity to book of profit of
Rs.34.55 i.e. 8.98%.
2) We gave a BUY call for REFEX on
Sep, 2024.
The scrip opened at 329 and rose to 419.25
within next 3 trading days, giving an opportunity to book of profit of
Rs.90.25 i.e. 27.43%.
3) We gave a BUY call for REFEX on
Jul, 2024.
The scrip opened at 245.5 and rose to 246.85
within next 3 trading days, giving an opportunity to book of profit of
Rs.1.35 i.e. 0.55%.
4) We gave a BUY call for REFEX on
Jul, 2024.
The scrip opened at 213.8 and rose to 224.9
within next 3 trading days, giving an opportunity to book of profit of
Rs.11.1 i.e. 5.19%.
5) We gave a BUY call for REFEX on
Jun, 2024.
The scrip opened at 178.7 and rose to 180
within next 3 trading days, giving an opportunity to book of profit of
Rs.1.3 i.e. 0.73%.
6) On
Apr, 2024, we gave a SELL call for REFEX.
The scrip opened at 166.65 and reached a low of 162
within next 3 trading days, giving an opportunity to book of profit of
Rs.4.65 i.e. 2.79%.
7) We gave a BUY call for REFEX on
Apr, 2024.
The scrip opened at 163.5 and rose to 175.5
within next 3 trading days, giving an opportunity to book of profit of
Rs.12 i.e. 7.34%.
8) We gave a BUY call for REFEX on
Apr, 2024.
The scrip opened at 149.95 and rose to 171.65
within next 3 trading days, giving an opportunity to book of profit of
Rs.21.7 i.e. 14.47%.
9) On
Mar, 2024, we gave a SELL call for REFEX.
The scrip opened at 140.25 and reached a low of 130
within next 3 trading days, giving an opportunity to book of profit of
Rs.10.25 i.e. 7.31%.
10) On
Feb, 2024, we gave a SELL call for REFEX.
The scrip opened at 550.1 and reached a low of 550.05
within next 3 trading days, giving an opportunity to book of profit of
Rs.0.05 i.e. 0.01%.
11) We gave a BUY call for REFEX on
Jan, 2024.
The scrip opened at 690 and rose to 711
within next 3 trading days, giving an opportunity to book of profit of
Rs.21 i.e. 3.04%.
12) We gave a BUY call for REFEX on
Jan, 2024.
The scrip opened at 702 and rose to 714.05
within next 3 trading days, giving an opportunity to book of profit of
Rs.12.05 i.e. 1.72%.
13) On
Dec, 2023, we gave a SELL call for REFEX.
The scrip opened at 577.05 and reached a low of 570.05
within next 3 trading days, giving an opportunity to book of profit of
Rs.7 i.e. 1.21%.
14) We gave a BUY call for REFEX on
Dec, 2023.
The scrip opened at 588.3 and rose to 639
within next 3 trading days, giving an opportunity to book of profit of
Rs.50.7 i.e. 8.62%.
15) We gave a BUY call for REFEX on
Nov, 2023.
The scrip opened at 566.7 and rose to 579.3
within next 3 trading days, giving an opportunity to book of profit of
Rs.12.6 i.e. 2.22%.
16) We gave a BUY call for REFEX on
Sep, 2023.
The scrip opened at 695 and rose to 700
within next 3 trading days, giving an opportunity to book of profit of
Rs.5 i.e. 0.72%.
17) On
Sep, 2023, we gave a SELL call for REFEX.
The scrip opened at 680 and reached a low of 629
within next 3 trading days, giving an opportunity to book of profit of
Rs.51 i.e. 7.5%.
18) We gave a BUY call for REFEX on
Jul, 2023.
The scrip opened at 627 and rose to 692.85
within next 3 trading days, giving an opportunity to book of profit of
Rs.65.85 i.e. 10.5%.
19) We gave a BUY call for REFEX on
Jul, 2023.
The scrip opened at 553.3 and rose to 672.4
within next 3 trading days, giving an opportunity to book of profit of
Rs.119.1 i.e. 21.53%.
20) We gave a BUY call for REFEX on
Jul, 2023.
The scrip opened at 547.8 and rose to 560
within next 3 trading days, giving an opportunity to book of profit of
Rs.12.2 i.e. 2.23%.
21) We gave a BUY call for REFEX on
Jun, 2023.
The scrip opened at 530.45 and rose to 560
within next 3 trading days, giving an opportunity to book of profit of
Rs.29.55 i.e. 5.57%.
22) We gave a BUY call for REFEX on
May, 2023.
The scrip opened at 475 and rose to 594
within next 3 trading days, giving an opportunity to book of profit of
Rs.119 i.e. 25.05%.
23) On
Mar, 2023, we gave a SELL call for REFEX.
The scrip opened at 225.4 and reached a low of 222
within next 3 trading days, giving an opportunity to book of profit of
Rs.3.4 i.e. 1.51%.
24) On
Mar, 2023, we gave a SELL call for REFEX.
The scrip opened at 238 and reached a low of 225.6
within next 3 trading days, giving an opportunity to book of profit of
Rs.12.4 i.e. 5.21%.
25) We gave a BUY call for REFEX on
Feb, 2023.
The scrip opened at 265.3 and rose to 304.5
within next 3 trading days, giving an opportunity to book of profit of
Rs.39.2 i.e. 14.78%.
26) We gave a BUY call for REFEX on
Nov, 2022.
The scrip opened at 299 and rose to 335
within next 3 trading days, giving an opportunity to book of profit of
Rs.36 i.e. 12.04%.
27) We gave a BUY call for REFEX on
Nov, 2022.
The scrip opened at 284 and rose to 335
within next 3 trading days, giving an opportunity to book of profit of
Rs.51 i.e. 17.96%.
28) We gave a BUY call for REFEX on
Nov, 2022.
The scrip opened at 254.8 and rose to 264
within next 3 trading days, giving an opportunity to book of profit of
Rs.9.2 i.e. 3.61%.
29) We gave a BUY call for REFEX on
Nov, 2022.
The scrip opened at 227.65 and rose to 234
within next 3 trading days, giving an opportunity to book of profit of
Rs.6.35 i.e. 2.79%.
30) We gave a BUY call for REFEX on
Sep, 2022.
The scrip opened at 177 and rose to 191.7
within next 3 trading days, giving an opportunity to book of profit of
Rs.14.7 i.e. 8.31%.